Thanks for everything Cleveland! It's been a blast!
My husband had a work convention in Cleveland so we went up for the night. He had to be there Friday afternoon so I was left to entertain myself in the City. Despite the cold it was a fun little adventure! The people in Cleveland are very friendly and helpful! I started my adventure searching for "The Arcade."

I wanted a massage to relax and kill some time. I found the Spa but they were booked so I sat at a table and used the greatest tool a traveler in an unknown city has at her fingertips...Yelp! It guided me to a place called "Natural Massotherepy." It was one of the most relaxing massages I've ever had! I highly recommend it if you are in the area. (850 Euclid Ave, Ste 1318, Cleveland, OH 44114).
I also recommend a buying a pair of black combat boots. I bought a pair a few years back from Kohl's (nothing fancy) and they have come in handy so many times. From sightseeing to hiking the mountains in Nevada to pairing with a sundress and hitting the town. They are probably one of the most versitile pieces I own.
Another great piece to carry when traveling is a fun yet can be dressy pair of leggings. I wore these from my last Stich Fix delivery in the car, walking around and then out at night to dinner and bars. I wore them with my combat boots then switched to wedge boots for the evening.
Another great piece to carry when traveling is a fun yet can be dressy pair of leggings. I wore these from my last Stich Fix delivery in the car, walking around and then out at night to dinner and bars. I wore them with my combat boots then switched to wedge boots for the evening.
But back to my adventure. After my relaxing massage I walked next door to CVS and purchased a bottle of their finest pink champagne ($8 Barefoot, not much selection but it worked). My intention was to warm up with a bath and champagne but I couldn't find bath bombs so I made my purchase and walked to Tower Mall where JACK Casino (and the Ritz-Carlton) are. I stopped at Bath and Body and a few other shops but then Mike said he was on his way back from the Convention. So I walked the 2 blocks to our Hilton Hotel, poured myself some champagne and watched Rick Steves talk about the Netherlands. Perfect because we are going to Amsterdam in May!
I found some great places on my adventure walk (by the way I forgot to mention, I got incredibly lost when I first ventured out. Well, it wasn't that bad but I did walk way farther out and around then I intended to, looking for the Arcade). But I saw a lot of places and began to feel very comfortable and familiar with the area; so it worked out! 4th Street is a great bar and restaurant area. Close to the City Center and Arcade.
PS: I need this wallpaper in my life if ANYONE knows where to get it PLEASE message me!!
I asked the bartender at the Greenhouse Tavern and he had no idea. But seriously it was a great mini-trip and I wish we had more time to spend there! Definitely check out Cleveland if you get the opportunity!
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