So for a really good friend's Birthday, I had some fun creating a box of 5 items for her to mix and match; kind of like Stitch Fix or one of the by mail fashion subscriptions. All of what I purchased for Julie was from Gabe's (because I'm obsessed with the great things I find there on a weekly basis)! It started out as a just for fun, creative idea for my friend, then I decided it would be a great post for my blog. I hope you enjoy it as much as Julie did!
This is what her "Chic Find" looked like:

(description of items) (photos of items mixed and matched)

(gift receipt, because chic happens)
Up close photos of the outfit in case you missed them on my Instagram:
And may I add she ROCKED the floral dress on when we went out on Saturday night! I can't wait to see what she matches the other items with!!
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